Where Does Success Come From?

Success is within you.

I have found that most people believe success is a place they go to. That it is some landmark who’s whereabouts seem to be unknown. But success is not a destination, it is not a landmark waiting for you somewhere. Success is created from within us. It is something that happens when we take advantage of our abilities and strengths that we possess. If one waits for success to fall out of the sky, they will most likely only get bird droppings to fall on them.

Success is first developed from inside of us. If we can program our brain to think successfully then we will come into harmony with opportunities to be successful. However, if we program our brain to think fear, doubt, and unbelief we will be in disharmony with the opportunities around us. Successful people activate the success mechanisms within themselves. They think successfully, they think proactively, they think bigger, and they see themselves as winners. You will never meet a successful person that does not think successful thoughts.

Psychologist Alan Richardson performed a study on the effects of visualization in the mind. The experiment consisted of 3 group of basketball players: One group of students actually practiced shooting free throws every day for 20 days, and were scored on the first and last days. A second group was scored on the first and last days, and engaged in no sort of practice in between. A third group was scored on the first day, then spent 20 minutes a day, imagining that they were making the free throw time and time again. When they missed they would imagine that they corrected their aim accordingly.

The first group, which actually practiced 20 minutes every day, improved in scoring 24%.

The second group, which had no sort of practice, showed no improvement.

The third group, which practiced in their imagination, improved in scoring 23%!

The mind is powerful! The truth is that success is first created in the battlefield of the mind. If you cannot see yourself as successful, chances are you will not perform successfully. However, if you see yourself as successful, chances are you will live up to that expectation. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

When you practice seeing yourself closing the sale, giving a phenomenal presentation, planning a great event, creating a successful firm, or making a greater profit your mind will begin to go to work to figure out ways to make it happen. On the flip-side if you do not see yourself as being successful your mind will begin to go to work to prove to you why you can’t do it. It all first takes place in your mind. If you can program your mind to think successfully you will begin to program your actions to follow.

Be a creative person by imagining yourself as successful and over time you will begin to see it become a reality around you.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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