
If you want to know the temperature of an organization put a thermometer in the leader’s  mouth.  As my friend and mentor John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” This statement transcends any organization, church, family, club, small group, business, etc..

Leadership is about stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility to get things done.  Whether that is stepping up as husband/wife, or a high level Excecutive, it takes leadership.  Leadership is about “leading your ship”.  We ALL have a “ship” that we are on.  Think of your “ship” as your family, business, church, etc… We have a responsibility to lead and lead well.  Leadership is not about being the one in charge it is about charging the ones to lead.  It is about raising others up to be the best they can be.  Just like a captain of a ship takes responsibility to make sure everyone is performing at their best, so leadership is about getting the best out of your team.

Leaders live by the Window/Mirror principle.  When things are going great with their team, they look out the window and say, “Great job team.”  But when things are not going great with their team, they look in the mirror and say “You need to step up your leadership.”  Leadership sets the temperature of the “ship”.  They are the ones that raise the bar, or lower the bar.  Whatever  you are leading is a reflection of you.  Leaders get people on the “ship” to where they NEED to be and where they will be the most EFFECTIVE.  Not where they WANT to be and will be the most COMFORTABLE.  Leaders know the strengths of their team and exploit that strength.  They know the strengths of the individuals and capitalize on those strengths.  They do not major on the minors, they major on the majors, and minor on the minors, making sure they don’t minor on the majors.

So what is your “ship” that you are leading? Is it your family? Is it a sales team? Is it a ministry? Is it a volunteer organization? Is it a business? Is it yourself? Whatever it is that you are leading make sure you take responsibility to lead and lead well.  Grow as a leader, step out as a leader, and be the leader you need to be.  Your family, business, church, organization NEEDS you to be a leader!!!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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