Just Read This…NOW!


Congratulations you took the time to read this blog, that means you made a decision to act NOW! You could have seen this blog title and just passed on by like many other ads we see in life, but you obviously are here now and you made an intentional act to just read it! So check this out…

I am amazed at how many people waste time. They have so many seeds of potential within them to develop, yet they go home from work and sit around doing nothing. When you sit around “killing time” you are murdering opportunity. There is simply too much to be done and developed in your life to sit around wasting precious time.

So don’t wait to be motivated to do something, just do it! Start to rev up your energy and get going, you will find that motivation will come as you go. Don’t be a ready aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim…kind of person. Watch out for the time killers in your life. These are the things that will waste your potential. They are productivity assassins. Sometimes they are laziness, apathy, indecision, channel surfing, sleeping, zoning out, etc… Recognize the time killers that sabotage your ideas. Do not make excuses for them and cuddle up next to them. You were created for more. You were created with potential do make a signifiant impact in the world with the ideas God has given you. Don’t waste them.

Get around people who inspire you to be, do, and have more. Get around the kind of people who will push you. Surround yourself with blogs, books, messages, etc… that will stir your soul. Place yourself in growth environments that will foster your creativity and productivity. Challenge yourself to commit to something that will push you and cause you to be accountable. Give yourself deadlines and push to meet those deadlines. Be your own boss that expects great things from yourself. Step out and START! Quit thinking about what you want to do and JUST DO IT!

You will never be who you want to be tomorrow if you don’t start being who you want to be today!

…And you can take that to the bank.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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