How Do You Talk To Others?

How do you speak to and about others?

The way we speak to others determines much about what is in our heart.  We build others up by our words of encouragement to them.  If we are always tearing others down and speaking negatively about them we will never truly value people.  In order for God’s Spirit to soar within us we have to speak to others the way God would speak to others.  God is not a God of condemnation and guilt.  He does not tear others down, He lifts others up with love and truth.  GoSSSSSSSSSip, SSSSSSSSSlander, and SSSSSSSSecret WhiSSSSSSSpers about people all come from the SSSSSSSSSSnake, the Devil, who tries to divide and conquer people.  There are too many mouth assassins out there watching and waiting for innocent people to step out.  When the innocent step out in faith the mouth assassins strike with words that can kill someone’s spirit.  They hang out in corner offices, at the water cooler, in the break room, in classrooms, at sporting events, at family gatherings, and worst of all…churches.  Here’s how they assassinate at churches…someone finally steps out in faith to help serve in the church and these mouth assassins begin to appear from the shadows to speak words of negativity, doubt, unbelief, gossip, and venom to everyone they see.  We must be careful of the words we speak to others and about them.  Our words have the power to stir others in their faith or the power to steam-roll them down in negativity.

Proverbs 16:28

“A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.”

Sarcasm too is an ugly disease in our society.  In the name of “joking” we find it ok to tear others down.  When did this ever become ok? I guess because we are not “serious” about it, it makes it ok to slaughter someone’s world with our words.  The word Sarcasm comes from the Greek word, Sarkasmos, meaning to to tear flesh, gnash the teeth, and speak bitterly.  Whoever said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” wasn’t human.  They never had someone say something negative about them obviously.  Words can cut like the sharpest knife deep within us.  Words are more powerful than sticks and stones.  Don’t let sarcasm be something that comes out of your mouth, there is nothing good that comes from it.  At best sarcasm may get a laugh, but it’s at the expense of someone’s worth.  The Spirit of God within us is never honored by sarcasm that tears others down.

Speak life into others and be a builder of people not an assassin of them.  The more you build others up the more you are built up.  The more you tear others down the more you will be torn down.  I remember a friend of mine that would build me up every time I saw him.  It made me feel incredible and worthy to take on the world.  Every time I got around this guy I felt as if I could accomplish anything.  But I have also been around others (and so have you) that you walk away from feeling terrible.  When you leave their presence you just want to curl up in a ball and disappear.  I made a vow years ago that I wanted to try and be like my friend who was a lifter not a sifter.  Challenge yourself to be a life-giver, not a life-taker.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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