2 Words That Changed The World…

The greatest leader of all time said 2 words that changed the way we should live. 2 words that quit possibly give us the greatest insight about the purpose we have in life. Jesus said these 2 words…”Follow Me.”

Jesus knew that His example was the greatest example to live by. If we could just grasp the idea to do what He did we could live life to the fullest! To simply do what Jesus did is the most powerful thing we could do with our life. When we are not sure what to do about our future…do what Jesus did. When we are not sure about our present circumstances…do what Jesus did!

So the question arises what did Jesus do? What was He all about?

Here is the answer…LOVING PEOPLE!

When you live a life of loving people everything you need you WILL have! Yes, that’s right, EVERYTHING you need you will have. Let me say it again…EVERYTHING you need you will have. Did you know that likable people have much better results in life?

A Columbia University study by Melinda Tamkins shows that success in the workplace is guaranteed not by what or whom you know but by your popularity. In her study, Tamkins found that, “popular workers were seen as trustworthy, motivated, serious, decisive and hardworking and were recommended for fast-track promotion and generous pay increases. Their less-liked colleagues were perceived as arrogant, conniving and manipulative. Pay rises and promotions were ruled out regardless of their academic background or professional qualifications.”

The Gallup organization has conducted a personality factor poll prior to every presidential election since 1960. Only one of three factors – issues, party affiliation, and likeability, has been a consistent prognosticator of the final election result.  Of course, the factor is likeability.

Doctors give more time to patients they like and less to those they don’t. According to a 1984 University of California study, there were significant differences in treatment, depending on the characteristics of the patient: The combination of likeable and competent was significant.  Patients perceived as likeable and competent would be encouraged significantly more often to telephone and to return more frequently for follow-up than would the patients who were either unlikable and competent or likeable and incompetent. The staff would educate the likeable patients significantly more often than they would the unlikable patients.”

In a survey of twenty-five hospital doctors initiated by Roy Meadow, a pediatrician at St. James’s University Hospital in Leeds, England, researchers studied what happens when both likeable and unlikable parents bring in children. Considering what you’ve already learned about likeability, it’s not surprising that children with likeable parents received better health care and were more likely to receive follow-up appointments.

So what makes someone likable? I believe it is their ability to love others unconditionally. The ability to live as Jesus lived and that was to serve others. When you are able to add value to those around you the results are amazing! When someone lives a life of loving others they will find purpose in all that they do! The spiritual truth is clear that when you love others you too will find a life worth living. It is when we turn inward that things begin to darken and get bad. When we become selfish we become stale. No one wants to be around someone who only think about themselves. No one wants to promote and befriend someone who only cares about their agenda.

So my challenge to all of us is this…LIVE a LIFE of LOVING OTHERS! The next time someone does something that hurts you, angers you, or whatever they may do…just simply love them anyway! Think about the life that Jesus lived. No matter what happened to Him He loved in the midst of it! He was about people, and we should be ALL about people too!

2 words…”Follow Me.” Do as Jesus did and love as Jesus loved!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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