The New You

We are looking for a great move of God, yet He is looking for a great move of His people. 
What great thing are you going to do this year?

The new you is about stepping out farther than you ever have. It’s about living out your faith in a bolder way. It’s about believing God at a whole new level. 

Make the choice today and get a plan of action on what you will do this new year for God. Here are three steps to make changes to become a better you. 

1) Make A Choice

The first step in making changes is making a choice to change. Figure out who you want to be in this new year and be intentional about it. Stop making excuses and start making expectations. Believe that you can step out and become who you’ve always wanted to be. Maybe that person is bolder, maybe a healthier person, or maybe a more encouraging person. Whatever it is, choose who you want to be and start acting like it today. We have to first see ourselves as the person we want to become in order to fulfill that goal. 

2) Plan That Choice

Once you get clarity on who you want to be in the new year, make a plan to follow through. If the new you is going to be a bolder person, start to plan out what you will do to accomplish that. If your goal is to be a healthier person, start asking yourself what would a healthy person do? The answer to that question gives you the plans and behaviors you need to fulfill. Start to challenge yourself to specifically behave in a new way that reflects the person you want to become. 

3) Follow Through With The Plan

Will you get it perfect when it comes to working on the new you? NO! But don’t let that discourage you or derail you from the journey. Remember, it’s about progress over perfection when it comes to change. It’s more important that you move forward, closer to the person you want to become than thinking you have to get it perfect. Reinventing yourself is a journey, not a destination. It’s a daily process of small steps that make big changes. So follow through with your choice and plans, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t nail it overnight. Just keep moving forward! 

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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