The Best Question Ever…

Questions are a great thing. Author Tony Robbins said, “The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself.”

We need to be like the little girl who kept asking question after question to her mother. Finally, the mother cried out, “For heaven’s sake, stop asking so many questions don’t you know curiosity killed the cat?” After a few minutes of thinking, the little girl asked, “So what did the cat want to know?”

The better you are at asking questions the greater your chances of getting the right answers. The more curious you are, the more successful you’ll become. Think of the root word in questions…QUEST. Asking questions literally puts you on a quest to find the truth.

Every day we should be asking ourselves questions that prompt our heart and head.

We have all heard the phrase WWJD. It stands for What Would Jesus Do? I believe this is a great question, but I think there is one variation just a little better that takes it to great…here it is…HWJR

How Would Jesus Respond?

You see your reactions reveal more about you than your actions. How you respond to situations truly reveal what is inside of you. Yout can’t hide behind intentions when you react, it’s the natural response of what is buried deep within. When you are squeezed, whatever is in you will come out of you.

So, we should be asking ourselves all throughout the day HWJR (How Would Jesus Respond?) If you and I can get in the habit of asking ourselves this before we open our mouth we will find a much better response. One that will impact people and build our influence.

Here are just a few examples of when you should ask this question:

  1. When you get in an argument with another.
  2. When you get bad news about something personal.
  3. When you get hit with more financial challenges.
  4. When someone hurts you.
  5. When things don’t go the way you expected.
  6. When life seems stressful and overwhelming.
  7. When your faith is lacking.
  8. When you get blessed with something.
  9. When an opportunity comes your way.
  10. When you see a need around you.

If we can start to engrain ourselves with this question we will begin to operate on a whole nutha level! We will reflect the heart of God and find favor with others. It will cause you to slow down and respond appropriately, the way that honors others and honors God.

Always remember HWJR…How Would Jesus Respond?

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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