Don’t UNDERVALUE the VALUE that God has given you

You have value and abilities far beyond what you’ll ever credit yourself with. Never believe the lie that you have nothing to offer.

Our strengths and skills are not a needle in a haystack, rather they are natural, common abilities to us. Since most people do not recognize their strengths because they are so natural to them, they have a tendency to think those same skills are natural to everyone. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Understand that each person is uniquely designed with specific skills and gifts that ONLY THEY possess. Your unique blend is not common, it is the way you are wired. There are always similarities between our skills and those of others, but they are never exactly the same. Don’t belittle your gifts and skills by thinking they are common. Step on the platform that God has given you and use your gifts and skills to make a difference. Don’t let the limiting belief of sameness keep you from being unique.

When you are who God created you to be, you don’t need to worry about being someone else. Don’t play the comparison game! You will always lose when you compare yourself to someone else. There will always be those that are further along than you. Instead of thinking less of yourself, challenge yourself to keep pushing ahead. When you compare yourself to others who are above you, worthlessness can easily set in. On the flip-side, there will always be someone who isn’t as far along as you. The danger in comparing yourself to them is that you can easily let pride slip in. Either way, comparing always leads to a false sense of reality. Author and Speaker Joyce Meyers said, “God will help you be all you can be, but He will never help you be someone else.”

Embrace who God made you to be and use the special blend of gifts and talents that He has entrusted to you. 

Your worth is invaluable and your potential is limitless because our God is limitless, and we are created in His image. Step up from the shadows so that you are able to step out into greater things, as you step on the platform of your God-given gifts and strengths! You have a performance to get to.

You needed to read this today!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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