Thanksgiving is a great time of the year.  Thanksgiving is about “Giving” and “Thanks”.  We have to GIVE in order to truly be THANKFUL.  Thankfulness comes from giving thanks for all the great things we have in life.  Many times we take life for granted.  Life is a precious gift we have been given by God.  He chose for us to alive and walk this earth.  Out of the thousands of squiggly’s racing to the finish line, YOU WON!!! That’s right, before you were even born you were a WINNER, chosen by God to be here.  Thankfulness is about GIVING honor to those around us and most importantly to God, who is the ultimate GIVER!

We live in such a great country and a great place on planet earth.  We have been given so many blessings and opportunities that many others NEVER have the chance of.  We must not only be grateful of these things but use them as to not lose them.  Jesus said, “To much has been given, much is required.” We are responsible to take the freedoms and opportunities we have to the greatest potential.  To not lose sight of the calling and chances we have to make the best of our life.  We have to GIVE THANKS by using not abusing the life we have been given.  The greatest gift we could ever give God is to use our life to the greatest potential we have.  To use up ALL the gifts and opportunities He has given us on this earth.  The goal of life should be to LIVE FULL and DIE EMPTY.  We waste our life by not using it.  We are called to live a faithful life that is well done.  The goal of life is to not LIVE EMPTY and DIE FULL.  To truly live a “Thanksgiving” life is to live it to the fullest.  Make the most of everyday, and don’t be afraid to step out in faith as we are used for the glory of the Lord!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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