Passion, Purpose, And Power…

“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”

~ Patrick Henry, n.d. ~

It all happened in the late seventeen hundreds in the heart of America. After the French and Indian War, colonists were required to pay more taxes to the British Empire. The Empire believed that since British forces kept the colonists safe from France, they should pay a larger portion to the crown. When Britain imposed the Stamp Act in March of 1765, the colonists became outraged. The colonists felt they had no say in the matter, and the taxes were just another form of control from England. This birthed the famous historical quote, “No taxation without representation.” With such control coming from Britain the colonists began questioning if they were really living free. Instead of grumbling around the hearth, a group of artists, farmers, lawyers, and family men took initiative and began meeting together in order to form a secret organization. As the British continued to create new taxes and laws under the crown, this underground group began to devise a plan that would forever change the course of history. They desired freedom from British law, believing they knew how to govern themselves better than an overseas dictator. After all, they had fought for their land, farmed their land, and raised their families on the land. They began to stand up against the British empire for their wanted independence. This group of revolutionists became known as The Sons of Liberty, led by Samuel Adams. The Sons of Liberty grew in number, gathering more and more “patriots” from the colonies joining their cause. They fought for freedom through organized demonstrations, newspaper articles, petitions, pamphlets and eventually by force. Because of their convictions and passion for freedom, the Sons of Liberty became the catalyst for the American Revolution leading to America’s freedom and the publishing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The Sons of Liberty truly paved the way for an American republic, “Of the people, by the people, for the people.” What started as a dream for freedom became a reality to these men and women. A reality leading to the freedoms that we possess today.

The Sons of Liberty were a remarkable group of revolutionists fighting for a worthy cause. Hungry for a freedom that was being suppressed by the powers ruling over them, they responded with passion, power and purpose. They were ready for a change. The harvest was ripe and the revolutionists reaped freedom.

Much like the American colonies of the sixteenth century, I be- lieve the world today is ripe to join in on its own revolution. A revolution that has been going on throughout history. A revolution that isn’t taking place on the physical battlefields, but one that is taking place in the hearts of the people. 

~ Taken from my book “The Worship Revolution” 

Are you part of the revolution? Are you living with purpose, passion, and power like the Sons of Liberty? It’s time to step up and become who you were created to be! If you have not picked up a copy of my book I would be honored for you to read it. I believe it will inspire you and give you great insight into what the life of a Worship Revolutionist looks like.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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