Living Life In 3D

Many people live life in 2D.  What I mean by that is…they are living a life with a limited perspective.  Instead of seeing everything there is to see, they only see one side of life. But there is more to life than meets the eye.  Perception can change when you change your perspective.  There is more than one way to see life.  Too many times we see life through the small lens of our perception.  I want to share with you a way to live life in 3D.

3D has made a HUGE come-back lately.  We have IMAX movies in 3D, home flatscreens in 3D, and Nintendo DS in 3D.  So what about living life in 3D? Here are some tips to live a 3D life…

1. DISCOVER your gifts

Take the time to reflect and search your life to discover your unique gifts and talents.  If you don’t know your gifts you will NEVER know how to use them.  And if you don’t know how to use your gifts you will NEVER be fulfilled with purpose.  Discover your passion.  Discover the things that come naturally to you.  Discover the things that you excel at and you can use to make a difference.  Gifts usually come wrapped.  They do not automatically show themselves.  We have to take the time to discover and unwrap our unique gifts and talents.  Too many people wait for their gift to just appear one day, but the reality is, we need to search for them and uncover our gifts.  Do you know your gifts? Do you know the talents that you have to help you make a difference? You should be able to identify them clearly.  For me, there are 3 things I am gifted in…1. Communicating 2. Creating 3. Challenging Others.  I build all I do around these 3 things.

2. DEVELOP your potential

We all have an endless amount of potential.  Our potential needs to be developed just like a muscle.  We do not get stronger by doing nothing.  It is when we develop our gifts and cultivate them that we begin to reach our potential.  We all have seeds of potential within us, but those seeds need to be intentionally watered and nurtured in order to grow.  It takes TIME to develop your potential.  It is not something that happens overnight.  Potential is developed daily, not in a day.  It is the process of little by little, day by day, that takes our gifts and grows them into a powerful influence.  So what are you doing to develop your potential? What is your plan to grow your gifts and talents? Remember, they do not grow on there own.  If you simply think that time will grow your gifts, you will miss your opportunity.  It takes intentional time spent to develop the areas of your giftedness. When you take the time to develop your gifts they will become super-sized.

3. DO great things

The 3rd part of living a 3D life is to DO IT!!! After you have discovered your gifts/talents and develop them, you have to start using them.  Don’t get paralyzed by fear or procrastination.  Don’t live a ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim type life.  Live a ready, aim, FIRE!!! type life.  Don’t wait for everything to be in order to step out.  Usually it is when we are not quit ready to step out that God calls us to get out of the boat.  Waiting for everything to line up and be perfect before you step out, requires no faith.  FAITH, at times, requires us to step out without knowing how everything will go.  To live life in 3D you have to pull the trigger and just GO.  2/3rds of God’s name is GO.  Don’t make excuses.  Be a can-do-it type of person, not a it-can’t-be-done type of person.  Be a river, not a reservoir, by going and flowing in your gifts, and not storing them up and hiding them.  As Nike says, JUST DO IT!!!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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