Leaders Build Strengths…

Old Tools

Encouragement is about recognizing others strengths and using them. In order to connect with others and draw the most out of them, focus on the unique strengths they posses. Leaders have the ability to get the right people in the right place based on what I call someones U.G.A (Unique Gift Ability). When someone is not operating in their U.G.A there is room for discouragement and burnout. Here is a formula to remember…

Right Person + Right Gift = Fulfillment

Right Person + Wrong Gift = Burnout

Wrong Person + Right Gift = Tension

Wrong Person + Wrong Gift = Frustration

The ability of a leader to get the right person mixed with the right gift is essential for a successful team. When a leader is able to find the right mix with their team it connects the team together as one. There is no need to encourage someone who is operating in the wrong gift, that only drives them faster to burnout and ultimately frustration. However when we encourage others in their strength zone there is something powerful that takes place. When you recognize others strengths you are able to know where they will fit best. When they fit into the best place they can there is a connection that takes place. When others are operating in their strength zone they will accomplish more, faster than others, and have better results! When a leader fails to recognize others U.G.A. they will create an environment that will disconnect people from their ability to perform. Instead of people feeling connected to their work, they will begin to resent it.

If you want to connect with others encourage them on in their strengths and build up their strengths. Do not waste time focusing on their weaknesses, rarely will someone grow beyond average in a weakness. With training and focus they may go from a three to a five, but no one goes to a ten in their weakness. They are weak in that area for a reason, it is not how they are wired. However, if you take their strength from a seven to a nine they can become invaluable. Why spend your time developing average when you can develop an expert in their strength zone?

~ Taken from my new book I am working on…”The H.E.A.R.T. of a Leader”

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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