L.I.F.E. Is Simple (Part 2)

If you have not read my first blog post from this series please do so before reading this…L = Leadership


The next ingredient that we need to have a flavorful life is…

I = Intentionality 

Intentionality is about doing things on purpose and with a purpose. Too many times in life we miss out on great things because we don’t go after them. Life should not just be accepted it should be intentionally lead. Without a clear intention we tend to get knocked off course. Victor Frankl said,

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]”Without a clear purpose any obstacle will send a person in a new direction.”[/typography]

Life is about being intentional, and being intentional is about being purposeful. Here is a great story about intentionality…One day Charlie Brown was in his back yard having target practice with his bow and arrow. He would pull the bow string back and let the arrow fly into a fence. Then he would go to where the arrow had landed and draw a target around it. Several arrows and targets later, Lucy said, “You don’t do target practice that way. You draw the target, then shoot the arrow.” Charlie’s response: “I know that, but if you do it my way, you never miss!”

Sometimes we live life like Charlie. We let our life go any direction it takes us and draw a target around wherever we end up and call it life. But we need to be creating the life we want. We have to be intentional about our direction and purpose. Life doesn’t just happen to turn out great, it turns out great because we have followed the path of greatness. Life does not just turn out terrible, it turns out terrible because we have followed the path of terrible. John Wooden said,

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]“Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.”[/typography]

Whatever path we are on will lead us to a destination. We must make sure the path we are on is the path we need to be on. Just because your life has been on a certain path does not mean you can’t turn around and get on a different path. In my book Life Rules I talk about Rule #5 SMILE More Than You FROWN. In this rule I share about one way we smile more than we frown is by doing what we love. Too many people are living their life like they are in prison, feeling trapped by the path they are on. However, you do have the choice to stop going down the path you are currently on and make a u-turn! We are never trapped. We are only trapped by our limited thinking. We have to be intentional about the paths we travel down in life. If the path is not working out, my Lord, switch paths! If the path is where you need to be going down, DON’T LOSE HEART, keep on keepin’ on! Be intentional! How do you be intentional?

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]1. Get A Plan[/typography]

We have all heard the statement…if you fail to plan, you might as well plan to fail. Most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do their life. They spend more time planning their grocery list than they do the direction of their future. If I were to sit down with you and ask you, “What is your life plan,” how would you respond? Do you have one? Have you taken the time to set out a plan for your life? Most people never get to where they want to go in life because they haven’t taken the time to chart the course. Anyone can SIMPLY live life and exist but it takes someone who can CHART a course to get the MOST out of life.

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]2. DO more than you don’t [/typography]

Doers are those that make a difference. Don’t-ERs are those that don’t make anything but excuses. In order to make a significant impact in life, you need to have a do-type-attitude. The kind of persistence and perseverance that causes you to step out when everyone else stands down. Doers are not crowd followers, they are the ones leading the crowd. To contribute more than you consume is to be a doer in life. Doers contribute their potential for the greater good. They give of themselves in order to move things forward.

 James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

 James knew the difference between a doer and a don’t-ER. He knew it so well as to encourage Christians to not simply hear God’s Word but to do something with it. Don’t-ERs always make excuses.

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]3. Never Settle[/typography]

Don’t put a lid on yourself. Don’t settle for where you are. Press on for greater things. All you need is within you, you just have to mine it out. Never allow your negative thoughts to become who you are. You were created for so much more than you could ask, think, or imagine. You have purpose and a destiny waiting for you. Don’t allow others to steal it away, and don’t steal it from yourself either. Rise up and break through the lid. Never trade passion and purpose for comfort and status. Comfort is a trap that can cause us to lose our mission. God has more for you to do on this earth, no matter what stage of life you are in. You are never too young or too old to be used for a great purpose.

Life is simple…it’s just not easy! Following these tips is easer said than done, however when we start to incorporate more intentionality in what we do the more we will create the life we need to live!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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