Are You Moving Forward?

Here’s a powerful truth for you: When there is no faith for the future, there is no power in the present. Our ability to thrive in the here and now is directly tied to our belief in what lies ahead. Without that hope, our effectiveness diminishes, leading to struggles and obstacles in our daily lives.

Think about it, when someone is feeling lost or stuck, if you peel back the layers, you’ll find a lack of hope and faith for the future at the core. It’s impossible to fully embrace the present moment and give it our all without a clear vision and confidence in what’s to come.

We all experience moments where we feel weary and question if we can keep going. But that’s where faith for the future becomes crucial. We must cultivate a strong sense of purpose and belief in what awaits us.

So, if you’re struggling today, ask yourself where you’ve lost sight of your vision and hope for the future. That’s the root of the issue. It’s not about external factors or trying to find motivation out there somewhere – it’s about reconnecting with your dreams and aspirations. Once you regain that vision, you’ll find the drive and motivation to push through any challenges that come your way. Sure, there will still be tough moments, but with a clear destination in mind, you’ll maintain momentum and keep moving forward.

Don’t get stuck in a rut with your head down and no hope for the future.

Let me share with you an incredible study conducted by the renowned John Henry Fabre years ago. This study involved processionary caterpillars, fascinating creatures that march in a straight line, almost robotically. But what happens when they get stuck in that pattern?

Fabre designed a unique experiment. He placed these caterpillars in a large saucer, forming a circle, and provided food (pine cone needles) at the center. And so, the caterpillars began their journey in a circle, continuing for a grueling 24 hours until they dropped dead from exhaustion and starvation.

What makes this experiment truly captivating is that these caterpillars had access to everything they needed, just two inches away. Yet, they remained trapped in their monotonous pattern, blindly going in circles until it led to their demise.

This powerful experiment resonates deeply with our lives. We may have momentum and busyness in all directions, but are we truly moving in the path God has called us to follow? The caterpillars’ fate serves as a reminder that without focus and direction, we risk missing out on the blessings right in front of us.

So, let’s ask ourselves: Are we simply busy, caught up in the chaos of life, or are we intentionally pursuing the path that God has destined for us? It’s time to break free from the rut and discover the extraordinary journey that awaits us.

Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom said, “If the Devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy.”

Are you aware of the biggest hindrance for Christians? It’s simply being busy. Engaging in numerous activities that may not truly matter or make a significant impact. Highly successful individuals, on the other hand, are busy, but they prioritize their efforts in the right areas. They focus on tasks that truly make a difference, unlike most people who are just busy with various things.

So, where do you stand? What’s happening in your life? Have you ever paused to evaluate everything going on and question if it aligns with God’s purpose for you? Or have you found yourself stuck in a repetitive cycle, like processionary caterpillars? It may be comfortable, but have you ever considered if you’re moving in the right direction?

I am rooting for you to experience all God has for you. If you are looking for some resources to get moving in the right direction check out these I have put together to help you move forward!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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