Are You A Pioneer? Or A Settler?

All of us have limiting beliefs about ourself.  Even the most positive of people have their moments of self-doubt.  Self-doubt and limiting beliefs put a roof on our potential.  If there is one thing that we have in this life, and I mean everyone, it is potential.  But if we are not careful the thoughts we have about ourself can become our worst enemy.  Most people face doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs at some point in their life.  Usually these thoughts sneak up on us when we are about to do something out of our comfort zone or step out into uncharted territory in our life.  It’s ironic, or maybe should I say strategic, for the enemy of our soul to rise up when we are stepping out onto something that could be a break through for us.

Whenever you step out of your comfort zone into uncharted territory there is always the potential to discover new lands and new possibilities.  The problem is…we tend to be settlers rather than pioneers, entranced with familiarity rather than exploring greater things.  We are designed to be pioneers.  Every great thing we have in life we have because someone pioneered.  Without pioneers we wouldn’t have the type of life that we live today.  Pioneers blaze new trails and discover new and greater possibilities.  Settlers manage what they have.  They are content with what is in their control.  They may have a sense of security but they will never experience the joy of discovery.  They will cap out and put a limit on their life.  Over time that lid will become a prison that they will be too afraid to step out of.

When we settle we surrender our potential.  When we surrender our potential we lose possibility.  When we lose possibility we become purposeless.  When we become purposeless we tend to give up.  We are designed to explore, we are designed to step out, we are designed to live life to the fullest.  We are pioneers, that have the gift of discovery and hidden treasure within.

Here are a few tips to become a Pioneer…

1. Never Settle

Don’t put a lid on yourself.  Don’t settle for where you are.  Press on for greater things.  Believe that ALL you need is within you, you just have to mine it out.  Never allow your negative thoughts to become who you are.  You were created for so much more than you could ask, think, or imagine.  You have purpose and a destiny waiting for you.  Don’t allow others to steal it away, and don’t steal it from yourself either.  Rise up and break through the lid.

2. Never Sit

Don’t get lazy.  Keep yourself growing and exploring in life.  Live a life that makes a difference, doing things that make a difference.  Don’t sit around waiting for someone to blaze the trail for you.  Go where others are not willing to go.  Don’t let apathy and indecision control your life.  Do something everyday that hacks down more obstacles so that you are one step closer to  your goals and mission.  An Aid group is South Africa wrote to missionary & explorer David Livingston.  It said, “Have you found a good road to where you are? Livingston replied, “If you  have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them.  I want men who will come even if there is no road at all.” Never sit on the bus waiting for someone to take you somewhere, pull out the tools God has given you and start to make a path.

3. Never Surrender

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said it best…

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

Endure to the end and follow through.  Don’t stop short of your journey.  Fight the good fight, finish the race as the Apostle Paul said.  Endurance means you are doing life as a marathon, not a short sprint.  Don’t let obstacles and others derail you from your mission.  Outlast your critics and show them they are wrong, not by words, but by action and dedication.  Little by little, day by day, is how you make great leaps.  Don’t give up on your dreams and your goals.  No matter what age you are, where you came from, or what obstacles stand in your way, always blaze new trails towards your destiny.  If you fall down, get back up, brush off the dust and get going again.  Failure is not fatal, it is a growth lesson if you allow it to teach you.

Let’s PIONEER into great things…

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “Are You A Pioneer? Or A Settler?

  1. I want a spiritual Revolution in my life! I want greater freedom in my life from Past memories of my failures.