A New Year

A new year…2012, how exciting!!! I believe this year to be a GREAT year that honors a GREAT God.  I love this time of year when we gear up for things to come and begin to set some goals into place for our lives.  I am a FIRM believer in goals, resolutions, mile-markers, bucket lists, to do lists, whatever you want to call them. I plan to make a big change in my life this year, I’m going to be moving!! My plan is to sell this house and get a new one. I’m moving to a different state, much closer to my family.

I believe that when you set bait out there in front of you, it causes you to move forward.  If we are not moving forward we are either not moving at all or moving backwards.  When we don’t have the bait in front of us, we become immobile and end up losing motivation because we don’t know what we are doing or where we are going.  Motivation is a funny thing.  You can’t just “get” it.  It’s not for sale or waiting out there hiding from us.  Motivation is created by inspiration.  When you get inspired then you are motivated to do something about it.  Inspiration is something that resonates within us when we come across the right thing at the right time for the right reason.  And the funny thing about inspiration is, it will not chase you, you have to chase it.  Inspiration comes to some by reading a book, or taking time to THINK, doing something to serve and help others, listening to music, prayer, etc… the list goes on and on.  You HAVE to find the things that connect with your heart and inspire you in order to get motivation.  You will never be motivated to write a book like you’ve always wanted to, travel to that certain place you’ve dreamed of going, learn a new skill, change jobs, lose weight, go on a mission trip, organize your house, enjoy that hobby, or fill in the blank, unless you begin to surround yourself with the “stuff” that inspires you.  It takes energy to create energy.  Motivation is a daily food we need to accomplish the list of things we HAVE to do and WANT to do.  

As for my move, I am going to be moving closer to my family as I was saying. Out of state, so it is a big move; I’ll be heading for flint texas. Thankfully I already know how I will be handling this with. My family has lived there forever so they have recommended a good company to work with to find a good property for me. I can’t wait to look at houses! It’s a bit up in the air, but I hope that I am able to find a good one that is close to my family. I’ll have to sell my current house, but I’m already looking into that. Motivation is important, and where there is a will, there is a way.

So what are you doing today that inspires you to create a better tomorrow? Have you identified the “stuff” that inspires you? If you have not thought about what inspires you then my guess would be that…motivation randomly happens to you and your not sure when it will strike or when it is no where to be found.  You probably live your life by luck of the draw, waiting for something to “happen” in order to push you forward.  But we never will feel our way into acting, rather we have to act our way into feeling.  Don’t be the kind of person that waits to “feel” motivation before you start to do something, start to do something then you will begin to “feel” motivated.  Remember, life is nothing more than the sum total of many years: a year is nothing more than the sum total of many months: a month is nothing more than the sum total of many weeks: a week is nothing more than the sum total of many days. That’s why we have to take each day as a gift with a seed to do something great with it, because that seed becomes the fruit of our life, and that fruit becomes the legacy in which we leave.

So this year set some goals, or whatever you want to call it, and make a difference…doing something different…that makes a difference…with people that want to make a difference.  Don’t live life accidentally, be intentional about the things you want to do.  Live life on purpose with a purpose.  The only way to do that is to spend time in prayer asking God to give you direction and vision for your life and your impact.  When you get that vision write it down, think about it, talk about it, ask questions about it, practice it, pray about it, study about it, dream about it, THEN for crying out LOUD…DO IT!!! There’s no time like the present to start living for your future, so don’t waste your life just coasting thru.  Get some goals and go for it!!! Doesn’t matter if you start small or start big, just START.  2/3rds of God’s name is GO, so get off your buts (I would but…, I want to but…, I will but…, I might but…) No excuses just step up and step out!!! 2012 here we come.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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