Your Friendships Can Determine Your Future

3 characteristics that make a great friend

During my study time the other day I came across this great wisdom from Solomon…check it out…

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” ~ Proverbs 12:26 (NIV)

The old statement is still true today…”Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Who we hang out with is who we will ultimately become like. This can be great news or this can be tragic news depending on the company we associate with. Jim Rohn said,

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

The people we surround ourselves with is a big deal for it will shape our destiny. The good news is that we get to choose who we surround ourselves with. We aren’t forced to have friends, in fact, people aren’t truly a friend if they are forced to be with you. But let’s make sure we don’t confuse what a FRIEND is. As followers of Christ we are called to love everyone, but that does not mean we are called to intimately be friends with everyone. Jesus loved all but shared His closeness with a select few in His inner circle of friends…the disciples. We are not called to isolate ourselves from people, but we do need to insulate ourselves from the wrong people.

So what makes someone a good friend that the righteous are supposed to choose carefully? What are the characteristics that make a great friend?

1. A Friend FOLLOWS Christ

Proverbs 12:26 said “the wicked person leads us astray.” A true friend will share your values and your faith in Christ. They will see the way Christ sees and act in the way Christ would act. This does not mean they are perfect, but they are striving to honor God in all they do. Surround yourself with people that are hungrier for God than even you are. Get around those who are faith-filled believers in order to be challenged by their example. You can still be around unbelievers as we are called to reach out to them, but always make sure you are spending a good amount of time with people who support who you are and what you are about.

2. A Friend FORGIVES You

A true friend is there to love you through your faults and shortcomings. Someone who is following Christ with their whole heart will forgive you with a whole heart when you’ve messed up. They are there to restore you and build you, not tear you down and demolish you. Jesus forgave the disciples even when they did dumb things. He always showed love for them knowing they were a work in progress. True friendship is bonded by forgiveness and grace. Beware of people who hold grudges with you, they are not your friend.

3. A Friend FORGES Your Faith

A great friend will encourage you to step out in faith and to build your trust in God. They will not crush your destiny and ground you in fear. They will speak to your future more than they will bring up your past. Great friends will challenge you to go beyond where you’ve ever gone before. They will build you up with courage, confidence, and conviction. They are quick to talk about the things that matter in life. They are not content with just shooting the breeze, they want you to become better and they are intentional about building your faith up.

Remember…your friendships can determine your future.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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