What Is Your Personality Profile?

We are all hard-wired in a specific way in which we operate. A method in which we function. Your personality is a combination of the character and traits that make you a unique person. 

The good news is that you get to choose the traits you’ll live by. People do not just end up somewhere in life; they end up where their personality took them. The traits you choose to live by become like an inner compass directing your future. People are not just a product of their environment; they are a product of their thinking. One of my favorite authors, Author James Allen said, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” The way you approach life will be filtered through who you are–your personality.  

Personality is defined as the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. It’s the invisible attributes that make us who we are. And who we are ultimately determines what we do. You see, who we are on the inside will always regulate what we do on the outside. So goes our internal being, so goes our external doing. This is why we are called human beings and not human doings. 

German poet Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, “Before you can do something you must first be something.” Our doing is an overflow of our being. Everything starts within us and then works its way out of us. Thoughts develop inside our mind and then begin to move towards action. This is why it is so essential to develop who we are so we can improve what we do. 

The more you know your personality and leverage it, the more you can empower your performance. There are many personality profiles out there to take such as Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, Predictive-Index, etc… but my all-time favorite is D.I.S.C. created by Dr. Robert Rhom. It is by far the simplest and easily understood profile that I have ever used. If you’ve not yet taken it, I recommend you get a profile here, you’ll be glad you did. It will give you incredible insight into who you are and who others are.

The Profile only takes about 15 minutes to complete online and only costs $12.95. This investment is worth your future. In fact, my whole family has taken one, even our kids, so that we can capitalize on knowing how to connect and how to relate to each other. It has been a tremendous tool that is a game-change. I would highly encourage you to get one for you and your family and have conversations around it.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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