What Do You Hold In Your Mind

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you can imagine it.” ~ George Lucas

Whatever image you hold in your mind will determine your future. You can’t hold an image of failure and expect to live successfully. In fact, the image you hold in your mind tends to manifest itself outwardly. Highly successful people have the ability to hold the image longer than most. They truly believe their dreams can become a reality…that is what makes them successful. You will never meet a pessimistic person that is effective. If someone believes a task can’t be done they will figure out every reason why it can’t. However, if someone believes a task can be done, they will figure out every reason it can.

  • What image do you hold in your mind?
  • What do you believe can be done?
  • What do you dream about?
  • What aren’t you willing to let go of in your mind?

Hold the image of the things you desire to accomplish, and soon you will be accomplishing it. I held the image of impacting people’s lives and inspiring them through speaking to crowds long before I ever did. I held the image of starting a business long before I actually did. I held the image of being married to a beautiful woman (my wife) long before we were married. I held the image of writing books long before I ever started writing.

Here are some tips about the image you have in your mind…

1. Think about the image every day

Never stop dreaming and believing you can accomplish that which is in your mind. The desires and ambition you have to make a difference are there for a reason. Think about it, dream about it, rehearse it, play with it, embellish it in your mind. The moment you lose sight of your dreams is the moment you’ll stop pursuing them.

2. Protect the image every day

People will discourage you…you will discourage yourself. Don’t allow circumstances to sabotage your image. Protect your dreams with the utmost security. This means you can’t allow people and situations to steal your dreams. Never relinquish power to those who don’t see your true power.

3. Speak about the image every day

Your words have creative power. They are self-fulfilling prophecies of your future. Stop speaking poorly of yourself and your dreams. Don’t tell yourself you can’t do it, and certainly don’t discredit yourself before others. Speak with confidence that you were created for greatness. Speak as though you can and one day you will.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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