What Are You Eating?

One of the greatest ways God speaks to us is through His Word. It is impossible to truly know Him without knowing His Word. His Word is who He is. You may experience God’s presence at times in your life, but you will never fully develop a relationship with Him without the Bible. If you want to get to know God, get to know His Word. It is alive and active, able to do more than you can possibly imagine. 

The Word of God is our foundation. It is our rock to build upon, and we must build our lives on the firm foundation of His promises. We cannot stand firm in our faith if we do not know His Word. Nineteenth-century preacher Charles Spurgeon said, “A Bible that’s falling apart, usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” If you do not know His promises, how can you stand firm on them? When you get into the Word, the Word will get into you.

Most people just skim through the Bible if they even read it at all. Too often, we thoughtlessly take what a preacher or communicator says and never dig into it ourselves. If you could not attend a church service or listen to your favorite Bible teacher, how often would you get a dose of the Word? That question can be a bit incriminating. I know I am guilty of relying on communicators to feed me content and sometimes not feeding myself the nutrition I need. We get busy, and life takes off without us knowing it. Or maybe we simply try to read but are not getting much out of it. 

Whatever the challenge, we need God’s Word like we need food…daily! You would never just stuff yourself on Sunday with a huge meal and think you don’t need to eat the rest of the week. If you’re anything like me, you’d be hungry a few hours later, ready to eat again. Our spiritual nutrition operates the same way. We need a daily dose of God’s presence and words in order to be healthy and strong. This is why so many people are spiritually starving and living an unsuccessful life; they do not get the spiritual nutrients they need to thrive. Evangelist F.F. Bosworth said, “Most Christians feed their bodies three hot meals a day, their spirits one cold snack a week, and they wonder why they are so weak in faith.” 

My book Scripture Breakdowns is designed to help you get a warm cooked meal for your soul straight from God’s Word. We are going to break down twelve pivotal verses line by line. You will experience a great demonstration of how to extract the most out of your Bible. You’ll get a window into how I personally read through God’s Word and how I apply it to my life in a relevant way. The entire Word of God is worth unpacking, but I have chosen just a few that are super meaningful to me. 

I hope and pray you are hungry for a delicious feast of truth and wisdom…Bon appetite…let’s eat!

Get the book on Amazon Prime here

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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