The Potential Within…

Our potential cannot be found somewhere “outside” of us, it can only be DISCOVERED within us.  I think many people are waiting for their moment when they get “handed” their potential.  The problem is, potential is never handed to us.  Potential is mined from within us.  We already have everything we need within us to get started with our potential.  The seeds are planted within us, it is only a matter of discovering those seeds and developing them.  Each one of us have an Acorn of potential within us that is capable of growing into a mighty Oak Tree.  It is what we do with the Acorn within us that makes the difference.  We can choose to water those seeds and nurture them, or leave them alone to wither away.

“Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” ~ Zig Ziglar

We all have hundreds of acres of potential available to us, but only occupy a small percentage of that potential.  Being created in the image of God and the likeness of Him gives us great potential and purpose.  Many people see themselves as a glass that is empty rather than an Acorn with potential.  The glass mentality is about feeling empty and waiting for someone or something to fill us.  Glass thinking is about waiting for someone to give you potential.  However, life isn’t about getting potential from somewhere or something.  Life is about discovering the potential already within you from the beginning.

Our Connections Pastor, Travis Hebert, put together a great lesson for our Sync Groups (small groups) at Hoosier Harvest Church this week.  In the lesson he shared 3 tips about potential.  I would like to share those tips with you.

1. Realize Your Potential

It is impossible to improve upon something you are not aware of.  Without the vision and the insight to see our potential we will never know it is there.  We have to take time to look within us and discover what makes us tick with purpose.  Don’t make it hard.  Potential is not a needle in a haystack.  Our potential is in the area of our strengths, gifts, and talents.  What do people come to you for? What do people say thank you for? What do you do that comes naturally and easily? These answers are insights to our gifts and potential.  Ask God to reveal His potential for your life and keep your eyes open.

2. Utilize Your Potential

One of the greatest gaps in life is the difference between KNOWING and DOING.  When we realize our potential we HAVE to start utilizing it.  That means, we must step out in our strengths and our gifts.  We can’t wait for the conditions to be perfect in order to step out in faith.  We sometimes have to jump off the cliff and grow wings on our way down.  If there is no need for faith on our journey, we’re on the wrong journey.  Start now.  Start small.  Use what you have.

3. Maximize Your Potential

As we grow in our gifts and talents we will be able to handle more.  When we are faithful with the little we will be ready for the bigger opportunities.  Too many people wait for an opportunity to do something.  They think…”If I ever have an opportunity to do this, or do that, then I will put time and effort into my potential.” The problem is, when the opportunity comes they have nothing to stand on or anything to offer because they never took the time to be ready for it.  By the time the opportunity comes they will be way too late.

John Wooden said, “When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare.”  

Start doing today what you want to be tomorrow, so when tomorrow comes you will be ready for it.  When you sweat in practice you won’t bleed in battle.  Maximize your potential for tomorrow by using it today.


I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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