The 3 Types of People During A Crisis

Don’t ever waste a crisis; it’s an opportunity to change something you should have changed already. It creates a sense of urgency that should have been there all along. We certainly don’t want a crisis, but we must learn how to embrace it when it comes. And rest assured, it will come at some point, and probably again sometime later.   

The word crisis comes from the Greek word Krisis meaning a turning point of decision. There is literally a moment where you will determine what you are going to do in the midst of a crisis. Whether you consciously make the decision, or you subconsciously make the decision, make no mistake, you will make one. You will respond for the better or for the worse.      

 There are 3 responses to crisis; 3 kinds of people…


The freak out response is typical among many people. We have knee-jerk reactions based on fear, worry, and anxiety. But freaking out about a problem does nothing to help solve it. There is no fruit in freaking out. You see, your response to problems will determine your ability to solve them. Freaking out creates negative energy that zaps your productivity and cognitive ability to think clearly. In fact, freaking out adds more fuel to the fire rather than helping squelch it. I have heard it said that some people don’t just worry occasionally, they worry recreationally. Your response to problems will determine your ability to overcome them. The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.

The FREAK OUT-ER Challenge: Stop WISHING you had it easier and start WORKING to become better.


Just trying to survive, not thrive There’s a temptation in crisis to get lazy, do the minimum, just coast through. But you’ll have nothing to show from it. Example: Financially, people hold on to what they have for dear life. Successful people start to invest in the future. Author Dr. Malcom Maltz said, “We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.”

The CHILL OUT-ER Challenge: Stop WAITING for it to be easier and start WORKING to become better. 


You can always tell who the strong are when unforeseen circumstances happen. When a crisis occurs the real leaders step up. Successful people rise to a challenge, unsuccessful people shrink from a challenge. Always watch how people respond to problems; the ones who can’t make it will get smaller, while the ones you want around you will get bigger. In the movie The Replacements starring Gene Hackman & Keanu Reeves, there is a great line that stuck with me over all the years. Gene Hackman tells Keanu Reeves, “Winners always want the ball when the game is on the line.” I love that line. Always be an all-out type of person and jump in the game, especially during a crisis. 

The ALL OUT-ER Challenge: Stop WORRYING about doing everything and start WORKING on the main thing. 

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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