Superhero Strengths

Like all superheroes possess superpowers, we too, all have a superpower. Our superpowers are our unique strengths. They are the skills we inherently possess. The more we can grow our strengths, the more we can make a difference. But you can only improve that which you are aware of. So, if you are unaware of your strengths, how will you ever know how to improve them? How will you know what to aim for if you haven’t clearly identified your target? Self-awareness allows you to expedite your influence. The more you know yourself, the more you can grow yourself.

Years ago, I dedicated a few months to clearly identify the strengths I possessed. It was a process of self-discovery as I worked to narrow my focus. I had been increasingly spreading my duties thinner and thinner as I was involved in too many roles. I finally had to have a meeting with myself to define who I was and where I should be investing my effort. Instead of being a jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none, I wanted to be a jack-of-few-trades-and-a-master-of-some. Through self-reflection, I realized there were 3 areas where I added the most value:

  • Communicating
  • Coaching
  • Creating

I call them my “3C Strength Zone.” I realized that these 3 areas were the things I not only should be spending at least 80% of my time in, but they were also the areas I needed to grow in. Instead of improving my weaknesses from terrible to average, I decided to improve my strengths from good to great. Instead of winging it in my strength zone, I decided to focus my time and energy to intentionally exploit it. I now have a target I know to be aiming for in order to help me focus my time and value. As soon as I get out of the 3C Strength Zone, I know I am wasting precious time and not adding the true value I can. This allows me to adjust and reshift my effort. My schedule is now filled with the majority of my time being dedicated to my strengths.

If I were to ask you what are your strengths, you should have an immediate answer. You should be able to quickly and confidently give me a detailed answer of exactly what you do best. If you fumble around and need paragraphs of articulation, you don’t know your strengths. If you can’t explain what you do best in a few sentences, you haven’t taken the time to know your strengths.

Know yourself so you can grow yourself. Find someone who can help in your self-discovery journey. This is why having a life coach or some sort of mentor can help. Make sure you are investing in yourself so you can be at your best. When you are at your best the world is impacted!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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