Say Yes To The Best

Do you remember the national drug campaign that Nancy Reagan started in the 1980s? The slogan was “Just Say No!” The advertisement focused on the importance of saying “No” to peer pressure in the context of illegal drugs. The phrase “Just Say No” first emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, California and was asked by a schoolgirl what to do if she was offered drugs. The first lady responded by saying, “Just say no.” 

“Just Say No” is more than an illegal drug campaign, though; every person on the planet should also adopt it when it comes to their schedule and the use of their time. If you don’t know how to say “No” you’ll never be able to say “Yes” to the best. For everything you add to your schedule there should be something you are giving up which is of lesser value. If you are only adding to your responsibilities, you will eventually collapse from the weight of too much baggage. Only adding but never subtracting from your schedule slowly evolves you into a time hoarder. Eventually, you will become unproductively consumed with the “busyness” of a cluttered life. You will be overwhelmed with the chaos of your responsibilities. You’ll become increasingly less effective if your schedule gets too cluttered. 

Most people are saying “Yes” to the things they shouldn’t be doing and “No” to the things they should be doing. Even when we say “Yes” to the things that are good, that means we are saying “No” to the things that are best for us. Don’t get lost in the good zone; get going in the best zone by learning the power of knowing the word “No.” Only give yourself to the things that matter most and bring the most return. 

Sometimes by doing less, we do more. 

Think about how Jesus invested His time. This is what Jesus said when asked what He was doing, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19-20 NIV)

Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. He was purposeful with His time and His actions. If you are going to fulfill all your capable of, you have to only do what is the best use of your time. Say, “NO” to the good and say, “YES” to the best!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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