Light of The World

I love Christmas time, the music, the food, the movies, the decor, the traditions, the holiday cheer, the atmosphere, and above all…the MEANING, Jesus Christ and His birth on the earth.  I have been thinking and praying about my message I am giving on Sunday, December 18th @ HHC these last few days and one thing sticks out to me as I think about what to share for this Christmas message…the lights.  We put lights up on everything around Christmas time.  The house, the garland, the banister, the bushes, the wreaths, and the most sacred of all…the Christmas tree.  A lot of people give the Christmas traditions a bad wrap about too much flash and decor and all the hype.  But MOST, not all, of our traditions are rooted in Christian symbolism.  For example the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christ.  Check this story out…

In 722 A.D., Saint Boniface, an English missionary and Benedictine monk who was known as the “Apostle of Germany,” came upon some men about to cut down a huge oak tree to be used as a stake for a human sacrifice to Thor, one of the Norse Gods. With a mighty blow from an axe, Saint Boniface felled the massive oak and, as the tree split apart, a beautiful young fir tree sprang from its center. Saint Boniface informed the people that this beautiful evergreen, whose branches pointed toward heaven, was a holy tree…the tree of the Christ Child, symbolizing the purity of the New Faith and the promise of eternal life. Saint Boniface then instructed them to henceforth carry the evergreen from the wilderness, place it into their homes and surround it with gifts symbolic of love and kindess to be a sign to all that Christ was the only way to heaven.

The reason we have lights around Christmas time is a symbol of the true LIGHT OF THE WORLD, Jesus Christ.  That is why we hang them for the world to see.

John 8:12 says, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Jesus is THE LIGHT, that’s why we celebrate with lights.  The light of Christ shined on us when He came to the world.  When He left the world and sent the Holy Spirit now the light of Christ shines in us.

2 Corinthians 4:6 says, “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

We are no longer in darkness but now walk in the light.  You see darkness is the absence of light.  You can’t carry darkness or create it, however you can carry light and create it.  Darkness has no power, it is simply a by product of NO light.  When Christ is not present there is no light thus there is darkness.  But when Christ, the light of the world shows up there is illumination.  We, as followers of Christ, have the light of the world shining in us.  And when the light of the world is shining in us it should also shine through us.  As the Spirit of God fills us the light shines brighter and brighter.  The challenge this Christmas season the light of Christ shining through you and I? Are we radiating the character and glory of God through our thoughts, attitudes, words, actions and life style? Are we treating others with the love and compassion that should be beaming out of us? Is our attitude harnessing the light of hope, forgiveness, truth, humility and love that is the nature of God? Are we living this verse?

Matthew 5:16, In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  

Ask yourself this question this Christmas season…Am I radiating the light of ALL that God is with EVERY person I come in contact with EACH day I live? Pretty challenging thought…especially if I or someone else was to ask your spouse, children, boss, family, friend, or stranger that is watching you if they can see Christ coming through you.

Just some thoughts developing for the message on the 18th.  Let me know your thoughts…

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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0 thoughts on “Light of The World

  1. My thoughts are that I KNOW this is a word from the Lord. As we were driving home tonight, I randomly felt led to ask my kids what symbolism they each thought Christmas lights represented. Sparked an interesting discussion! Thanks for sharing!