Jesus Didn’t Hang Out With Sinners.

The people who hang out with is who you will become like.

Those who we spend our time with will determine the quality of our life. You may have heard the phrase, “Show my your friends and I’ll show you your future.” This phrase couldn’t be more spot on. It is of the utmost importance that we are careful about who we spend our time with. Our friends can make us or break us.

As followers of Christ we are called to associate with everyone, but only make an alliance with a few. Don’t isolate yourself from those that have different values than you, but insulate yourself so you don’t compromise your convictions. There is a fine line with reaching out and hanging out. Jesus didn’t “hang out” with sinners, He REACHED out to sinners. He “hung out” with His disciples, those He was pouring His life into. Jesus was always on a mission when He was around the crowd, but He relaxed around His inner circle.

We too must be mindful of who we are spending our time with and why. We cannot let our guard down when we are reaching out. Too many people get caught in the mix of other people’s quicksand. We need to be there for those that are in the quicksand, but we cannot jump in or we too will sink. Know the difference between “hanging out” and “reaching out” as well as associating and aligning. Your friends will determine too much about your future so take that very seriously.

There are 3 kinds of people in your life…

1. Foes

These are the people that are against us. For whatever reason they have it out to take us down and do damage in our life. We need to love our enemy but we don’t need to strategize life with them. We must make sure we insulate ourselves from these type of people.

2. Fans

These are the people who think we are better than we are. If not careful they can make us prideful or even arrogant. Fans have great intentions but they are not always truthful with us. They are a great bonus in our lives, but will not help us get better. When things are good fans are on our side, but when things are not good they can abandon us.

3. Friends

Friends are the people who will speak into our lives the good and the bad. They want to help us get better and refine who we are. Friends are honest with us about the things in our life. They stick with us in the good and the bad times. Friends are a gift from God to help us build community and to journey through life together. Make sure you have some great friends that are there for you as you are there for them.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Jesus Didn’t Hang Out With Sinners.

  1. How do you determine who is a “sinner” and who is not, if as Christians we believe that we all sin and need Jesus because of it?

    • Great question…we are ALL sinners in need of Christ, that is why Jesus came to “REACH OUT” to us and show us the way. The post is about being careful of the influences we surround ourselves with. We cannot let our spiritual guard down by allowing ourselves to fall into old addictions, behaviors, or temptations of our past life. We are a new creation, the old has passed and we cannot allow the “old” ways of living to pull us back in. The point…don’t isolate yourself from the wrong influence, but insulate yourself. As the scripture says, Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.”