Get Perspective…

Before we make a choice we first need to step back and look at the whole situation we are facing.  We need to get perspective.  Perspective can change everything.  Remember the popular hologram pictures? When you stood just in the right place, an abstract picture would change before your very eyes to a beautiful scene.  You had to get the exact perspective in order for the image to become clear and brilliant.

Life works the same way.  Many times we see situations out of focus.  The choices we need to make become blurry and we lose perspective in the moment.  This happens when we have a knee-jerk reaction out of emotion that is blurring our judgement at the moment.  Instead of seeing the whole picture and repercussions of our actions we just react instead of stepping back and getting better focus.  Someone says something that makes us angry and we react out of that anger.  We then have to go back and apologize because hours or days later we get perspective on the situation and realize we shouldn’t have responded in such a way.

Perspective allows us to see things that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to see.  If you were to look from where you are now and see ahead, your view would be limited by the obstacles in front of you.  However, if you were to climb up a tree or ladder you would have a bird’s eye view far above the obstacles.  You would be able to see everything around you and have a clear perspective of the choices ahead.  We gain perspective by seeing things through the eyes of Christ.  We must remove our fear, doubt, and unbelief and see things the way God sees them.  When we allow God to show us things through His perspective it is a much higher vantage point than we ever could have seen on our own wisdom.

Isaiah 55:9

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God’s ways are higher than our ways and that is why He calls us to do things we don’t understand at times.  At times we only see the obstacles and mountains when God sees the whole picture.  This is why we must be faithful to make the choices God calls us to make even when those choices seem impossible.  Step back and allow God to give you perspective on every choice.  As you are walking in His perspective you will be able to make Godly decisions in the moment.  Stepping back is about gaining perspective not delaying a choice.  When your faith is grounded in Christ you have the ability to make the Godly choices because He will be leading those choices.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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