Dream B.I.G

We all have dreams.  Dreams to do something great with our life.  Here are a few tips on dreaming B.I.G.

Make your dreams B.I.G.


Saint Francis Xavier said, “Give up your small ambitions, go and save the world.”  Don’t put a lid on what you think you can do.  What you think you can do and what you have the potential to do are usually very different.  If you only did what you think you can do than you limit your true potential.  But if you are bold enough to believe you can do beyond what you think you can do than you tap into your true potential.  Bold dreamers are those that push themselves to become better than they are.  They may not be ready now for what they can potentially do, but they are bold enough to know it is possible.  And that possibility drives them to reach for bold dreams.  Lift the lid on your life and explore boldness.  Don’t put a lid on yourself and certainly don’t let others put a lid on you.  Give up small thinking and be bold with your thoughts, for they will take places you’ve only dreamed of.  Look around the room you are sitting in.  Everything that you are using came about because of bold thinkers.  The computer you are on, the chair you are sitting in, the desk, the picture on your wall, the decor in your room.  It all came about because someone was bold enough to think big and create something that met the needs of others.

I = Intentional

Be intentional about your dreams.  The more specific you are the easier it is to define.  Zig Ziglar says, “Don’t be a wandering generality become a meaningful specific.”  Most people haven’t clearly defined what they want to do in life, yet they complain they aren’t doing what they want to do.  How do you know if you are on the road to doing what you want to do if you have no map to guide you in what you want to do? So be intentional about your dreams.  Don’t just say I want to make a difference, define how you want to make a difference and get going on the path to making a difference.  It takes TIME to define what you want to do and what your dreams are.  I am 32 years old and am just now beginning to define even more specifically what my dreams are.  It doesn’t mean that I didn’t have any early on, it just means I am just now getting even more specific.  It may take months for you to define your dreams, but spend the time on the front end clarifying them or you will NEVER know what they are.

G = God-Sized

After you have done the process of being bold and intentional now God will start to provide the increase.  Do what you are called to do and God will do the rest.  Or as I like to say, “Do your best and God will take care of the rest.”.  We have a responsibility to plant our dreams, water our dreams, but God is the one who provides the impact of our dreams.  We don’t need to get bogged down with debating whether our dreams will be successful we just need to be faithful first.  I am in the process of writing a book and am just about finished with it.  I don’t know if the book will go far or if a lot of people will read it, but I am not called to judge the impact of the book, I am just called to write it, now.  Too many times we measure if our dreams will be successful before we do them, but I believe if God has put it in us to do we are called to simply DO IT!!! If we only started with our dreams if we knew they were going measure BIG, then no one would start.  You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start in order to be great.  Let your dreams be GOD-Sized, meaning let God take your dreams further than you could ever imagine.

Just some thoughts for today as I am working in my office.  Let me know your thoughts on dreaming big.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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