Don’t Murder Today…

Don’t spend today repairing yesterday. Spend today preparing for tomorrow,  so that you will not have to repair today tomorrow.  Here’s a question to ask yourself…”What are you doing today to be successful tomorrow?” You see, we can’t change the past, and we don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we can choose what we do today.  What you do today WILL determine what tomorrow will look like.  For example…

~ If you exercise today you will be healthier tomorrow.

~ If you make money today you will have money tomorrow.

~ If you work on a project today  you will be one step closer to finishing it tomorrow.

~ If you read today you will be closer to finishing the book tomorrow.

~ If you pray today you will be paving the spiritual road for tomorrow.

~ If you practice your skill today you will be closer to mastering that skill tomorrow.

~ If you put gas in the tank today you don’t have to fill it tomorrow.

~ If you have the “meeting” today you can move on tomorrow.

~ If you forgive yourself and others today you can walk in freedom tomorrow.

~ If you think today then you will have a plan for tomorrow.

~ If you love others today you will have relationships with you tomorrow.

~ If you spend time with your kids today you will have respect from them tomorrow.

Today is a gift and what we do with that gift makes all the difference.  We can choose to leave it wrapped up and move about our day, or we can unwrap this gift and make the most of it.  By unwrapping it, I mean to take the time to make the most of every opportunity we can.  We will end up tomorrow where our time took us today, so use today wisely.  Benjamin Franklin said, “Time is the stuff life is made of.” He also stated, “One today is worth two tomorrows; what I am to be, I am now becoming.” I believe that what you do today is who you will become tomorrow.

Some people are just “killing time”.  However, when you “kill time” you murder opportunity in the process.  Some people wait for opportunity to knock on their door.  However, opportunity does not knock on our door, it is not a person.  Opportunity must be sought after, recognized, and found.  People that wait for opportunity to knock on their door will be sitting in the lazy chair for life.  Opportunity is “out there”, but we must go to it and know what it looks like.

Many people don’t see opportunity because they have never identified what it looks like.  Can you imagine searching for someone that you have never seen? How hard would it be to find someone that you knew nothing about? We have to keep our eyes open because opportunity is disguised, many times, by a statement someone makes, a disposition someone displays, a need someone has, an idea that popped into your mind, a passion that drives you, an injustice that grips your heart.

What opportunities are around you today? What are you going to do with today? Will you be mindful of the time and make the most of it? The Bible says, “Today is the day that the Lord has made we rejoice and be glad in it.”  Why do we rejoice? Because God is good, and He has given us opportunity to take ahold of each and every day.  Don’t let the days pass by waiting for tomorrow to bring you something better.  Use today to its maximum potential.  What are you going to do today to get you one step closer to your dreams tomorrow? Don’t let tomorrow show up and not be ready for it.  Prepare today so that tomorrow is better.  If you murder time today you will go to opportunity prison tomorrow.  Embrace today.  There is no time like the present to start doing what you’ve always wanted to do.   Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present, unwrap it!

“Remember, life is nothing more than the sum total of many successful years:

a successful year is nothing more than the sum total of many successful months:

a successful month is nothing more than the sum total of many successful weeks:

a successful week is nothing more than the sum total of many successful days.

That’s why practicing successful habits day in and day out is the most certain way to win over the long term.”
~ Robert Ringer

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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5 thoughts on “Don’t Murder Today…

  1. The secret to an incredible life is to figure out how to have an incredible day, and just repeat that over and over again.

    Today I will be meeting with another successful, motivated, and influential person. He happens to be the author of this blog. I’m eager to catch up.