Are You A Child?

As children we are born with a dreamer mind-set. A drive to explore, to ask questions, to create, and to enjoy life. Kids treat the world as their playground. My wife Erin, and I have two little girls who amaze me at their ability to turn an empty room into an amusement park in their mind. They can turn the bath-tub into an ocean. They can turn the bed into a space ship that takes them on a joy ride across the galaxy. Kids are innovative dreamers who aren’t controlled by their environment. As a kid Walt Disney drew faces on his flowers during an art class. When the teacher instructed him that flowers do not have faces he responded, “Mine do.” Walt Disney was a dreamer who never stopped dreaming. As a result of His dreams, Disney has become one of the largest and most successful companies on the planet. Our family just recently went to a trip to Disney World in Florida and I was amazed at the experience. During a play in the Magic Kingdom, Mickey Mouse had the crowd chant, “Dreams come true.” Our youngest daughter Allie, screamed at the top of her lungs, “DREAMS COME TWUE.” The fireworks shot out of Cinderella’s Castle at the same moment she yelled and her eyes were as wide as hub-caps.  She was so proud of her ability to cause fireworks to shoot out into the air all because she really did believe.

Child-like faith believes all things are possible. Child-like faith has no limits. It is pure belief that dreams come true. Jesus said we need to have child-like faith. If we are going to live out our purpose it requires us to raise our faith in the seemingly impossibilities. It doesn’t take much faith when everything is already in front of us, but it takes super-sized faith when there seems to be no possible way. Faith is truly activated in situations that require it. Faith requires there to be an unseen possibility.

 2 Corinthians 5:7

For we live by faith, not by sight.

Kids walk by faith and not by the sight. They imagine possibilities and see it by faith. They are not bound by limits of their environment. But what happens when kids get older and grow up? When they start to experience social, financial, and personal set-backs? The adventurous playground they once loved slowly turns into a desolate prison cell they resent. What once felt like an endless opportunity to be whoever they wanted to be and do whatever they wanted to do becomes a lost hope. Instead of thriving, life now becomes an overwhelming attempt to survive and make it out alive at best. If we are not careful as we get older we lose our belief that dreams come true. In the disguise of “reality” we stop chasing after our dreams. Our child-like faith is rationalized away based on our experiences rather than being fueled by the possibilities. So we now become a product of our situations rather than our potential. Our past controls our future. God did not create us to be confined by impossibilities. He created us to soar.

Your challenge today…Believe It If You Want To See It!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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