Do You Have Real Peace?

Some people don’t just worry occasionally they worry recreationally.

The peace that Jesus offered is so much deeper than just self help techniques to manage stress. It is the SETTLED CONVICTION that goes down to the core of your being when you begin to believe that ALL things are truly in God’s hands. His Sovereignty is greater than our frailty. In order to know the peace that God gives we must know the Kingship of who He is. A King is not subject to the people, he is not controlled by democracy. A King rules from his throne. The Kingdom of God is not by the people, it is by the King. The great news is that God is the GREAT King who rules with love and justice. And this King rules with Mercy and Judgment. This means that God is a God of mercy, but make no mistake He is also a just God. When you reject the peace and the sovereignty of His Kingship it is not that He cast you out, it is that you cast yourself out from His Kingdom. You choose to separate yourself from His authority and reign. When we come out from underneath His will and His ways we choose our own kingdom. The bad news is that our kingdom is bleak, weak, and will always stink!

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The peace that passes ALL understanding is a peace that is hard to fathom. The reason that it is unfathomable is because it is supernatural. This peace doesn’t make sense to the natural part of us. After all how could Jesus be asleep on a boat in the middle of a storm? How could one enter a lion’s den with faith? How could 3 friends be put into a fiery furnace unburned? How could someone convert from a murderer of christians to a leader of them? It is supernatural. When God reigns in our life, there is a peace that comes from our association with His Kingship and His Kingdom.

The question is do you know this peace? Do you know this King? Do you trust His Kingship?

Worry does not know trust. Fear does not know faith. Distress does not know peace. Confusion does not know clarity. The natural man does not know the Spirit of God. Therefore to understand this peace from a natural state of thinking will never happen. However, when we tap into the spiritual being that we are, we can trust that NO MATTER what happens in life our God is RULER, KING, SOVEREIGN, MAJESTIC, WONDERFUL, TRUSTWORTHY, FAITHFUL, LOVING, PROTECTING, & SO MUCH MORE!

Peace is more than just self-help, is it God-help from on high! Call out to Him and He will answer!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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