One Of The Best Words You Should Know…

Do you remember the national drug campaign that Nancy Reagan started in the 80’s? The slogan was “Just say no!” The advertisement focused on the importance of saying no to peer pressure in the context of illegal drugs. The phrase “Just Say No” first emerged when Nancy Reagan was visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, California and was asked by a schoolgirl what to do if she was offered drugs. The first lady responded by saying, “Just say no.” 

 “Just say no” is more than an illegal drug campaign, it should also be adopted by every human being on the planet when it comes to their schedule and the use of their time. Too many people have not learned the power of the word “No.”

Time waits for no man, therefore we must use it or lose it! Time is not just a practical issue, it is a spiritual issue. In the fourteenth century Monks devised a system to keep track of time in order to know when they should go to their scheduled prayers. The early clocks did not have dials on them, rather, they had bells that would tell you the time. In fact, the word “clock” comes from the German word “Glocke,” meaning bell. Monks had to pray at the first light, at sunrise, in the middle of the morning, at noon, in the middle of the afternoon, at sunset, and at nightfall. So they designed a plan to keep track of each hour in order to remind them when to pray. This concept birthed the idea of the alarm clock! The origin of keeping track of time originated from a spiritual concept!

Just like the monks, if we do not know how to use time it will slip away from us. Time wasted cannot be regained. C.S. Lewis said, “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” 

Time is always moving forward, the question is: are we moving forward with it? Are we using our time to focus on the things that matter and the things that will take us further in life? I have found that most people are so busy doing what they don’t want to do, that they don’t have time to do what they want to do.
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Being too BUSY means something is WRONG!

 If your schedule is so busy that you don’t have any time to do the things you want to do, it is because of poor time usage. Being too busy is an excuse that means you are not in control or that you are overcommitted! Corrie Ten Boom said, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” 

Being too busy should be a sign that we are not using our time wisely. It should cause us to stop and reflect in order to see if we are filling our schedule up with what really matters. Being too busy is a sign that we have never learned the power of “NO.” If we keep saying “Yes” to the things we shouldn’t be doing, we are basically saying “No” to the things we should be doing. The goal is not to cram more into our day, it is to get more out of our day.

For everything you add to your life there should be something you are giving up. If you are only adding to your life, you will eventually crash because of too much baggage. Only adding but never subtracting from your schedule will make you a time hoarder. You will become consumed with the busyness of a cluttered life. Eventually you will be overwhelmed with the chaos of life. When our schedule gets too chaotic we become less productive. For each thing that you say “Yes” to, there should be an equal thing that you are saying “No” to. Most people are saying “Yes” to the wrong things and “No” to the right things. Sometimes we say “Yes” to the things that are good, but that means we are saying “No” to the things that are best for us. Don’t get lost in the good zone, get going in the best zone. The goal of life is to spend our time on the right things not the wrong things.

~ Taken from my FREE eBook “How To Get More Time


I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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