In Money We Trust

While paying for an item I was purchasing the other day I pulled out some cash from my wallet and handed it to the cashier. As I was letting go of my hard earned cash (which is much harder than swiping a plastic card) I noticed the famous saying on our currency…IN GOD WE TRUST. As she took my money I thought about that statement for a moment. Funny that money says IN GOD WE TRUST, because I’m not sure I always trust in God with my finances. I might say it, but I’m not sure I always live like it. Sometimes what we secretly say is “In money we trust.”

Money can get a hold of us like nothing else. It can control us, manipulate us, discourage us, and dictate our well-being all too often. Luke 12:34 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The money isn’t the issue, it’s our heart that becomes the issue. For some reason money has the potential to either bless us or derail us. When we have the right perspective of money and truly say IN GOD WE TRUST our money becomes an asset that God uses to advance us further in our destiny. If it’s IN MONEY WE TRUST then it can become our greatest lability and keep us from our destiny. We have to make sure we use treat our money the way God calls us to.

Here are some ways to trust God with your money…

1. Pray Over Your Money

There is power in prayer. When you pray over your money you are speaking life over it. Stop speaking negativity about your money…like…

  • money is so frustrating
  • I’m so sick of money
  • I’ll never have enough
  • money doesn’t grow on trees you know
  • this is my money

Speak life over your money…like…

  • money is a blessing from the Lord
  • I’m glad I have the ability to create wealth through all the games
  • God is going to provide
  • money doesn’t grow on trees, but God can make it happen
  • my money is not my own…it’s God’s, He’s just letting me borrow some

Praying over your money keeps you speaking a blessing over it and not a curse. It allows you to align your faith with your finances. If you are not praying over your money don’t expect supernatural things to happen with it. STOP saying destructive, discouraging, degraded things about your MONEY! Furthermore, if you don’t have money anymore and it’s making your life miserable, visit this website to know what are the best loans depending on your financial case.

2. Be A Giver

God is a GIVER…in fact, He GAVE His one and only Son…He GIVES us forGIVEness. If we are created in God’s image it is only logical that He created us to give. And when we don’t give we are not walking in His fullness. Giving is about meeting needs. We don’t just give to give, we give to bless. We are blessed to be a blessing. Freely we receive, freely we give. When we embrace our destiny and calling to be a giver specifically with our money God blesses us even more. Martin Luther said, “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” When we allow ourselves to be a conduit of giving we open up the floodgates of heaven in our lives.

3. Use It Wisely

We need to make sure we are investing our finances into things that really matter. Invest into opportunities, resources, and experiences that will help draw you closer to God, not pull you further away. I hear a lot of people who always say they don’t have enough money to go on vacation with their family but they always seem to be supplied with their fun hobbies. Now I am all for hobbies, but invest into your family by creating memories and experiences together above other things. Everyone makes excuses. It’s usually not about having enough money, it’s usually always about priorities. Make it a priority to use your money in ways that will honor God and help you be used by Him. Remember your bank statement is really your statement of faith.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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