Your Creative Time

2 tips to help you set aside time

Do you set aside time to be creative? I have found that most people don’t intentionally make time to be creative. They talk about it, hope to be, wait for the inspiration to hit them, but never make it happen. Therefore they remain bound in their limited possibilities. If you want to break out into […]

Your Innovative Value

3 ways to value what you create

 “I will act as if what I do will make a difference.” ~William James A common trait that innovators have is that they believe that what they are doing is important. They feel that their contribution to the world is of value. In fact, the more value you place on yourself the more innovative you become. […]

Inspiration Is The Pathway To Innovation

3 ways to get more inspiration in your life

Inspire: (verb) to encourage somebody to greater effort, enthusiasm, or creativity: to awaken a particular feeling in somebody [Latin-inpirare “to breath”] Inspiration births creativity. All art is an expression of inspiration. Art has to originate somewhere. The most creative people are the most inspired people. Wether that inspiration comes from joy & strength or hurt […]

Plan If You Want To Produce

3 tips to get more done

Unplanned time produces an unproductive life. The truth still remains…if you fail to plan you might as well plan to fail. I coach many people that have lost their edge because they are coasting rather than creating. They are a victim to procrastination, therefore they experience disorientation when it comes to their time. They have […]

Setting Up Your Creative Space

“If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.” – John Cleese Creativity is sparked when we are enjoying ourselves. Stiff, utilitarian, and dogmatic environments never free up innovation in the hearts of people. The more freedom we have the more innovative we can become. Emotions are the breeding ground for great ideas. Therefore, to […]

This Is What Blocks Your Creative Potential

3 ways to break through it

The greatest enemy of creativity is pride. When you think you know it all is when innovation begins to get eliminated from your life. When you stop seeking new ways to grow is when you stifle your ability to produce greater results. Vernon Howard said, “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn […]