Your Innovative Value

3 ways to value what you create

 “I will act as if what I do will make a difference.” ~William James

A common trait that innovators have is that they believe that what they are doing is important. They feel that their contribution to the world is of value. In fact, the more value you place on yourself the more innovative you become. You are willing to step out with what you have to offer because you believe in it. If one does not believe in what they have to offer this world they will never create what they could have. They will kill their creativity with unbelief in their worth and value. Which in turn means they will not value what they create. If you don’t value yourself you will not value what you produce. You will take your talents and gifts and burry them in a wasteland of what could have been.

You were created for more than you can imagine. You were designed to offer this world something very special. And only you have the ability to take what you’ve been given and use it for good. Never bury your potential because you’ve believed the lie that you are not special. You have been created by a great God who has put greatness within you.

So how does one value what they create?

1. Stop COMPARING your worth

The moment you start comparing yourself to others is the moment you will begin to lose. There will always be someone further along than you and if you compare yourself to them the door to discouragement will open and you WILL walk through it. However, there are also those who are not as far along as you are and if you compare yourself to them you can easily start thinking you are better and allow arrogance to kill your creativity. The point…stop comparing your worth with others. Trust that what you have to offer is worth something. I see many people that miss out on a great life because they simply have lost their value.

2. Don’t allow FEAR to make you hide your worth

Fear will always tell you that whatever you made is not good enough. It will whisper lies to make you run and hide your work from a world that needs it. Fear never advances, it only retreats. We have to have faith that our work WILL make a difference. The more faith we muster up the more we will be willing to show the world what we have to offer. Punch fear in the face and never allow it to get the best of you…you have to much to offer this world.

3. Trust the PROCESS of growth

Whenever you step out and start showing the world what you have there will always be those who don’t get it. If you allow the opinion of some to steal the impact of many, you tip the scales in the wrong way. You have to trust that whatever you make is a growing process. You won’t always get it right the first try or even after hundreds of tries, but don’t allow that to stop you from pushing on. Just because some people criticize your work or don’t see the value YET…keep going anyway. One day your hard work and dedication will show up strong. It is like the old saying…”you’ll become an overnight success after 20 years of hard work.”

Here is your power statement for the day…

Highly value what you create and one day what you create will be valued.

(that is good stuff right there…you need to get that statement embedded deep within you)

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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