The Innovative Life

If we are not careful life can get stale.  Our routines become predictable.  We wake up at the same time each day, go through the same ritual of showering, brushing our teeth, fixing our hair, etc… We then make coffee, eat breakfast, read or watch the news, then get ready to head off to work.  We park in the same place, enter in through the same way, go to our “work station” (whatever that may be) and get to work.  Then we come home the same way, and do the same thing every night.  You get the point…our life can lack innovation not just in our current routines but in our potential as well.

In order in order to live an innovative life, it requires change.  Innovation = Change.  If you are living an innovative life you will be changing.  You can’t stay the same and still be innovating.  Innovation causes us to change our lives into something better.  But don’t think that Change = Innovation.  Just because you change something in your life doesn’t make it better.  Change alone has no power, but innovation has the power to change us and our current situations.  I can change the order of my routine just to change, but it will probably just feel awkward.  However, if I find a more productive and efficient way of doing my routine then change will automatically happen to get the new results.

So here are 5 ways to live a more innovative life…

1. See The Need For Innovation

You will never step out and live an innovative life if you have no desire to be better.  Desire is the fuel for innovation.  So many people are stuck in their status quo life because they see no need to innovate.  But what could innovating in your life open the door for you to do? The only way to live a more productive life is to be innovative with the one we currently have.  Innovate or stay the same forever.  Who you are now and your current situations will be the exact same in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, etc…

2. Recognize Innovative Barriers

There will always be resistance to innovation.  Emotions, laziness, and fear will always be opposing innovation.  They are the arch enemy of innovation.  We don’t “feel” like doing what we know we should in order to create a better life.  Did you know most people know what they need to do in order to improve their lives? But knowing isn’t the real issue is it? As the G.I. Joe cartoon used to say, “Knowing is half the battle.” No, the real issue is “DOING IT”.  One of the greatest separators between people who are successful and those that aren’t is the difference between KNOWING & DOING.  Innovative people DO, while others just KNOW.  Recognize the barriers in your life that cause you from being innovative.  List ways that you are going to break through the barriers and overcome.

3. Imagine The future

You need vision for the future.  Vision is painting a picture in your mind of what  you want your future life to look like.  There was a study done on free-throw shooting years ago.  They took two groups of people and tested them to see if mental vision effected their performance.  One group shot free-throws as fast as they could without time to think about it.  The other group was encouraged to visualize themselves making the free-throw before attempting the shot.  They gave the second group time to think through their approach.  The second group that visualized their shot before taking it were 50% more effective than the first group who thoughtlessly shot.  The point…when you visualize your future you are more likely to make it a reality.  Those who have no imagination or plans for the future are more likely to make that a reality as well.  If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.  So what are you imagining right now? What is your vision for your future?  You should have at least 2-3 things you are imagining right now for your preferred future.

4. Explore The Possibilites

You can’t sail to new shores if you are unwilling to leave the old ones behind.  If you want to live an innovative life you have to take time to explore new ways of doing things.  Options is the name of the game when it comes to innovation.  All new discoveries come through exploration.  My daughter Zion is learning about historical explorers as my amazing homeschooling wife is teaching her.  I have been fascinated at the innovation these explorers had in order to discover new lands, new inventions, and new ways of changing the world.  All break throughs come as a result of exploring.  What are you doing right now to explore?  This is where innovation gets practical.  The only way to innovate is to explore, explore.  Exploring new and better ways to live a more significant life is the key to actually living a significant life.  Don’t become a settler in life, be a pioneer blazing new trails.  Don’t colonize comfort zones, pioneer the untapped potential of your life.

5. Cultivate An Innovative Climate

If you are going to sustain an innovative life you have to keep the atmosphere right.  Just like nature needs the right climate to grow, so we need to make sure we keep a climate of innovation.  Don’t surround yourself with people who kill innovation.  Find ways to cultivate your innovative dreams.  Read, collect ideas, research possibilites, and dream.  Take time to water your mind and let the seeds that God has put in you grow.  Create a growth environment for your life.  Take in as much as you can and always be learning.  John Wooden said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Have a growth mindset.  Learn new skills, develop your strengths.  The only way to get better is to become better.  What is your growth plan? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Get a plan to be innovative in life and start innovating.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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