The Challenge Of Visionary Leaders

3 Ways To Handle Yourself When Others Don't Get It

Leaders are visionaries. They anticipate what is ahead and prepare accordingly. The ability to see things before others see them is a sign of a great leader. Anyone can report on what is currently happening, but a leader is able to report on what could happen in the future. They have an intuition that others do not possess. This is why some leaders are misunderstood for stepping out too fast. When everyone else is holding back, the leader is the one who says, “We can do it…let’s go!” Sometimes they are mistaken for being too quick, but a great leader knows the difference between acting too soon and taking immediate action.

Most people would rather sit around and deliberate, but leaders want to get things done. It is not that they are impatient, rather it is they know what needs to happen and don’t want to waste time. This is the challenge of visionary leaders. So how do you handle yourself when others don’t get it?

1. Don’t Get Mad

Because you may know what needs to be done does not give you the right to get upset at everyone else. Your influence will diminish the moment you start to get frustrated with others. Remember, you are there to lead others not walk over them. So watch your attitude and make sure you are not letting your impatience get the best of your demeanor. Keep calm and pioneer on my friend.

2. Understand The Roadblocks

Many people only see the roadblocks up ahead, they do not see the possibilities. You must address people’s concern even if they don’t get it. Because you can see past the difficulties does not mean everyone else can. Make sure you seek first to understand before you want to be understood. When you get into other people’s shoes you realize their legitimate concerns and can help them through it accordingly.

3. Keep It Steady

The leader is not always the first to cross the finish line, sometimes they have to make sure everyone else is moving along. Rather than ramming full-steam ahead, take it steady as it goes. Give people time to digest and process your proposals and vision. Keep optimistic and committed to the outcome, without wavering. Remember the Tortoise and the Hare? Slow and steady wins the race.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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