Maintain The Mundane

3 things you need to think about...

The greatest enemy of growth is sameness. In fact, the only way we can grow is through change. We all know that if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll only get what you’ve always got. The only way to break out of staying on the same level you are on now is to change the pattern of how you are doing things. The results you are currently getting are simply the byproduct of the way you are doing things. To change the result you have to change the variables. If you keep maintaining the mundane you’ll continue to get the same result.

In order to grow there are 3 things we need to think about…

1) Change does not necessarily equal growth, but growth always equals change

Just because you change the way you are doing things doesn’t mean you’ll automatically grow. You must change things for the better. This means you have to look at the most efficient and beneficial processes that will be an agent of growth. Just simply changing the variables won’t always give you a better result unless they are the right variables. I see many people that get “bored” and just start changing the way they do things without any intentionality to it. They don’t get ahead because they equate change with growth, but you don’t start with change and hope to grow, you start with finding out the best way to grow and that will cause you to change.

2) Maintaining never gives you more

When we get stuck in maintenance mode we may feel safe, but we will not grow into new opportunities and possibilities. All growth takes place outside the comfort zone. So in order to get more of whatever it is you want, you have to break out of the status quo. Sameness only gives you more of the same. Growth requires that you shake things up again and again. Some of the most destructive advice we can begin to believe is…”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There may be some truth in that statement, but it can be an incredibly limiting belief. Just because something isn’t broke doesn’t mean it’s not producing the best result. The wheel may not be broke, but it may only be operating at 37% efficiency. With the “ain’t broke” logic, you wouldn’t mess with the wheel even though it could be 63% better. What if you finances were 63% better? Would that change your opportunities…YES! What if your marriage was 63% better? Would that change your relationship…YES! What if your business gained 63% more clients? Would that change your effectiveness…YES! Just because the wheel ain’t broke, doesn’t mean you don’t need to pay attention.

3) The mundane is tempting

Let’s be honest…the mundane is easy. It beckons us to sit back, relax, and stop being so uptight. At least that’s what it claims to be. The fact is, the mundane is hard. Not seeing the results you want is hard. Not growing into our potential is hard. I read a poster the other day that said, “Exercise is hard…being fat is hard…pick your hard!” The mundane tempts us to believe that if we sit back and coast all will be well. The problem is that we were created for so much more than just maintaining. We were designed to be fulfilled beings who have infinite potential. Don’t allow the temptation to stay stagnant keep you from your destiny. Everything in life can be hard, just pick the hard that truly has a reward. You have possibilities you haven’t even tapped into yet…get ready and break out of maintaining the mundane.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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