Inside-Out Worship

Worship must start in our heart but be seen at all times. Being a true worshiper causes worship to come out through our actions, conversations, and attitudes everywhere we go. Everything you do becomes an act of worship when you are a worshiper. Whether you are taking care of your family, helping clean up your community, or saving the world, it is all worship when you are a true worshiper.

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 

When worship is in you it comes out wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Worship moves to an outward act because of an inward work. The presence of the Lord fills us and we fall more and more in love with Jesus. Worship begins to come out of us as an overflow of our heart of love.

  • Inside-Out Worshipers worship God because of Who He is.
  • Outside-In Worshipers worship because of what God can do for them.
  • Outside-In Worshipers wait for things to go the way they want, and then they choose to thank God.
  • Inside-Out Worshipers, on the other hand, give God glory in all circumstances.

Worship is not based on what God can do for us. Worship is simply based on His worth as the King of the Universe. The woman with the alabaster jar was an Inside-Out Worshiper. She worshiped because she recognized Jesus as the One worth worshiping. If we only respond to God after something we want to happen happens, then we become like a spoiled child, only happy when we get our way. You see, whatever is in you will come out of you. If our heart is full of Godly characteristics, then when life squeezes us, those things will be revealed. But if our heart is full of darkness, then it will rise to the surface and come out. Worship Revolutionists make a pact to worship no matter what happens on the outside. They are not swayed by what they see happening around them, because their faithfulness has already been determined in their heart.

~ Taken from my book “The Worship Revolution

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I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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