A Gratitude Poem

Difficulties are inevitable, but complaining is optional. I’ve heard it said that some people don’t just complain occasionally; they complain recreationally. We all know people who are tethered to negativity. The problem is that negativity and ungratefulness result in faithlessness. You can’t be your best while living in negativity. Some people miss out on being […]

Do You Know Your Personality?

Your personality is one of the most significant determiners of your behavior. It makes you unique and influences your thinking, feeling, and acting. Studies have shown that awareness of your personality can predict job satisfaction, academic success, and even how well you’ll get along with others. No wonder personality is such a big topic of […]

Start With Yourself

One of the greatest attitudes to display when confrontation occurs is that of responsibility. Genuinely looking in the mirror and realizing that your actions, or maybe even your inaction, may have caused the issue, is a sign of maturity. Calling people out and quickly casting blame only causes others to back away from opening up. […]

What Do You Hold In Your Mind

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you can imagine it.” ~ George Lucas Whatever image you hold in your mind will determine your future. You can’t hold an image of failure and expect to live successfully. In fact, the image you hold in your mind tends to manifest itself outwardly. Highly successful people have the […]

What Version Of Yourself Do You Bring To Work?

Every day you bring a version of yourself to work.  It’s your choice who that person will be. It will either be the best version of yourself, the worst version of yourself, or the caught-in-the-middle version of yourself. Chances are that different situations cause a different version of yourself to appear. But to be truly […]