4 Questions To Ask That Will Indicate Someone’s Strengths

Here are 4 questions to ask that will indicate someone’s strengths…

A) What are their passions?

The areas people are most passionate about usually involve their strengths. By simply listening to the ideas that ignite their excitement will give you clues to their unique gifts. Find out what they read about, think about, and ask questions about. These insights will help you know their true passions. When you find someone’s passion, you will find what they will be most productive in. The goal is to connect their passion with their gift.

B) What have they succeeded at?

To find someone’s strength, look back to his or her achievements. What tasks, events, programs, or opportunities have they succeeded in? Success in an area indicates an individual’s strength. People do not succeed in things they are not good at. This is especially important with new team members. Find out what things they have done well in the past and develop those things for the future. Get the stats and keep the stats so that you, as the leader, are aware of individuals’ best performances.

C) What comes easily to them?

We are naturally intuitive in the area of our strengths. When someone is able to learn a new skill quickly or accomplish assignments efficiently, it is usually a great indicator of their strengths. Find out what comes easily to others and make note of it. What do they accomplish faster than anyone else? Watch your team members to see the things they move quickly at and figure out how to get them to do more of it.

D) What are they exceptional at?

When someone has a strength in a given skill, they are clearly good at it. They have a natural brilliance to perform in the area of their ability. Though we all need training to grow better, natural strengths are within each person. When an individual is performing exceptionally well, they make things look easy because of their competence. People talk about the excellence that comes from this person. Others notice their performance. So listen to teammates and those around the particular individual. This may help you identify what areas this person goes above and beyond in. When someone has a strength in an area, they make that area better and bigger as a result.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

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