3 Ways To Grow Your Gifts

God gives us our gifts in the embryonic stage. They are not fully mature when He seeds them in us. Because of this, it is our responsibility to sow into our gifts through a process of growth. No one can make you more creative, no one can make you a better thinker, no one can make you a better person, it has to be your choice and commitment to make it happen. James Allen said, “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.” You were created to take the seeds God has given you and grow them into great and mighty oaks of opportunity.

So how do you grow your gifts so they get better?

1) MAKE the time

The key word there is…MAKE. You do not get more time and you cannot lose it. We all have the same amount of time in a day, no one is lucky or unlucky when it comes to this law. In order to grow your gifts you have to make the time to develop them. Your time is what you make it…period. If you aren’t sure how to control your time you need to get my FREE eBook “How To Get More Time” or if you already have it…read it…and apply the principles. Whatever you do, make sure you are making intentional time for your gift to grow, it will not happen automatically.

2) PICK your growth resources

You have to know yourself in order to grow yourself. You have to know what your top gifts are so that you can build resources around them to help you. Pick the areas you want to grow in. For example, I plan all my personal growth time of reading, studying, and observing around 3 areas…COMMUNICATING…CREATING…COACHING. That’s right, it’s simple and it is what I spend all my time gathering resources in. So what are your areas? What is it that you want to grow in? You need to pick how you are going to grow through picking the right books, listening to the right experts, observing the right people, and researching your gift areas. If you walked into my office and looked at the resources I have around me you would know exactly where my life is going…what about you?


You only get better through doing, not just thinking. It is one thing to study about your gifts, but you must start doing something with them. You have to get a result in order to improve a result. Get involved in things that are going to stretch you and help you grow. Throw yourself into situations that force you to use your gifts. This is the only way they will grow into something greater. Don’t let fear keep you from stepping out and doing stuff. You will never get better unless you do something with what you have already been given. Practice using your gift in ANY situation you can. Your gift is like a muscle; the more you use it the stronger it will get.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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