3 Tips To Organize Your Life

Have you seen the one where Charlie Brown is watching TV, and Lucy walks into the room and changes the channel to something she wants to watch. Charlie speaks up and says to Lucy, “Why do you get to watch what you want?” Lucy answers with her one hand going from a spread fingered position into a tight fist as she says, “These five fingers… individually, they’re nothing. But when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold!” Charlie Brown walks away talking to his fingers as he asks them, “Why can’t you guys get organized like that?”

Have you ever wanted to be more organized like those that just seem to have it all together? You know those people who appear to be perfect. Isn’t it frustrating when you look at your own life and think why can’t I be like that?

Well…the truth is they are not as perfect as you think they are so don’t get too down on yourself. But you can certainly challenge yourself to be more organized and intentional about what you do. Here are 3 tips to organize your life…

1) Get Rid of Stuff

Yes, we probably have too much stuff to organize so purge a bit, but more than that think about your schedule and your commitments. If you are trying to organize too much stuff you simply can’t do it. Your problem may not be that you are undisciplined it may be that it is impossible for a human to organize EVERYTHING you have going on. Take a hard look at your life and downsize to what matters most (check out the blog about TAKE A CHILL PILL).

2) Have An Organization Brainstorm Session

You can’t get organized unless you first get a plan. You probably need to take some time to figure out a better system to organize your life. Routines are great when it comes to getting organized. Build some habits and routines into your life by sitting down and figuring out what you want to incorporate. Take it one category at a time. Figure out the areas you want to be more organized in and stay with it until you get a plan in place. Then follow the plan, tweak the plan if needed, then build the habits.

3) Figure Out Why What You Are Currently Doing Isn’t Working

The best way to know how to get more organized is to figure out why you aren’t in the first place. There may be something keeping you from being organized. Identify your limiting factors. What is it that you keep doing that you don’t want to do and clearly assess why you keep doing it. Keep peeling back the layers until you get to the root of why you do what you do. When you can get to the root of why you can now know the how to overcome it. For example if you tend to fall off the bandwagon with your healthy food choices ask yourself why? For me…if I allow myself to get too hungry and go too long without eating I have figured out I lose all motivation to be healthy and just want to go overboard. So what do I have to do? I have to make sure I don’t allow myself to get so hungry that I lose discipline. In fact, I just recently stated to put snack bars in the car so when I am on the run I can eat one and get my fill so I don’t allow myself to make poor choices later. Read this article for more information. Figure out why you are doing what you are doing and you can change the outcome.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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