2 Truths I Always Try To Live By

I have always loved and tried to live by this motto:

Live as though you’ll die tomorrow, learn as though you’ll live forever.

The most successful people live in the balance of these two truths. One maximizes today, the other maximizes the future. The secret to a great life is to live fully today, yet also living fully for tomorrow. Most people find themselves leaning too far to either side. They are either great at living in the moment, yet fail to seed for the future, or they are great at living for the future, but never capitalize on today. The real strategy is to embrace the harmony between the two.

Let’s break these two truths down…

1) Live As Though You’ll Die Tomorrow

You see, one day we won’t have a tomorrow. So, it is of the utmost importance that we embrace the possibilities of today. Never underestimate what today holds for you. What if you had no tomorrow? What would you do differently today with that knowledge? Would you have spent more time with your loved ones? Would you have made a bigger difference in someone’s life? Don’t miss the opportunities of today because you are so caught up in tomorrow. Most people overestimate tomorrow and underestimate today. But you can’t get out of tomorrow what you didn’t plant today. Don’t keep thinking that one day you’ll “arrive” and get to where you’ve always wanted to be without maximizing today.

2) Learn As Though You’ll Live Forever

  • Question: When is the best time to plant a tree?
  • Answer: 20 years ago.
  • Follow Up Question: When is the next best time?
  • Answer: Today

Every seed you plant today is one step closer to sprouting tomorrow. Don’t be so focused on today, that you fail to invest into the future. We should all be spending time preparing for the future some how, some way. When you have a growth mindset you will always treat everyday as an opportunity to get better.

At age 94, Pablo Casals was considered one of the greatest cellists of all time. After one of his last concerts at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. he was asked why he still practiced over three hours a day. He responded, “I think I am making progress.” He also stated, “To retire is the beginning of death.” Always push yourself to stay in a growth mindset. Challenge yourself to get better and better and to never settle for where you currently are.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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